Friday, March 21, 2008

No One Else But You

No One Else But You

I will wait for you
The words you said
As I sailed away
Gone that day
into the Sargasso Sea
I will wait for no one else but you
as days pass
you’ll forget this time
And all we had
when the end of the day was long
I’ll still wait for no one else but you
The waves will grow large
And the depths will be deep
I will remember our last embrace
As I fall into icy water sleep
In night
For years to be
Dreams may come
And I will be there with you again
Perhaps you will keep me close
To your heart as you are to mine
If I could return, you know I would
If I could bring you to me, through
Time and Space
To a place that never ends
I would give it all again

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