Despite the caucus season remaining a distant seven months away, two Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, abided to the demands of ca
The BENGHAZI guy has almost single-handed put an end to Hillary's candidacy. She is done. She is like the Bruce Willis character in "The Sixth Sense". Only she doesn't know she's dead.
Bernard Bernard
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Political profiteering off of Charleston tragedy
To paraphrase former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, "Never let a horrible tragedy go to waste. What I mean by that is spinning the narrative to
To paraphrase former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, “Never let a horrible tragedy go to waste. What I mean by that is spinning the narrative to accomplish things you couldn’t do before”. The nonstop political opportunism that has been piling on in the wake of the tragic Charleston shooting shows no signs of abating any time soon. #CharlestonShooting #NRA #GunControl #RaceHustle #TCOT @GovernorOMalley @HillaryClinton @BarackObama @Potus
Bernard Bernard
To paraphrase former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, “Never let a horrible tragedy go to waste. What I mean by that is spinning the narrative to accomplish things you couldn’t do before”. The nonstop political opportunism that has been piling on in the wake of the tragic Charleston shooting shows no signs of abating any time soon. #CharlestonShooting #NRA #GunControl #RaceHustle #TCOT @GovernorOMalley @HillaryClinton @BarackObama @Potus
Bernard Bernard
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Four Charles Bukowski Poems Animated
The poetry of Charles Bukowski deeply inspires many of its readers. Sometimes it just inspires them to lead the dissolute lifestyle they think they see glorified in it, but other times it leads them to create something compelling of their own.
Bernard Bernard
Bernard Bernard
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Mr Americana, Overpasses News Desk June 10th, 2015 Overpasses For America VIA POLITICO House leaders, confident but not yet certain they have the support to pass sweeping trade legislation, are aiming to bring the package to a floor vote by…
Bernard Bernard
Bernard Bernard
Mr Americana, Overpasses News Desk June 10th, 2015 Overpasses For America VIA POLITICO House leaders, confident but not yet certain they have the support to pass sweeping trade legislation, are aiming to bring the package to a floor vote by…
Bernard Bernard
Bernard Bernard
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
ObamaTrade support crumbling in House
Support for "Fast Track" Trade Promotion Authority is crumbling in the House of Representatives as constituents flood their elected officials with calls an
For many people, from elected officials to normal citizen alike, the prospect of handing more negotiation power to Obama just does not seem like a good idea. Expecting that the guy who negotiated the release of five Taliban leaders for one deserter, cannot negotiate a deal with Iran that includes intrusive inspections of military installations, has not been able to negotiate an end to violence in Syria or Ukraine, could not negotiate a deal on immigration reform, could not negotiate a status of forces agreement with Iraq, and has been unable to negotiate an end to tensions in the South China Sea will all of a sudden turn into a masterful world-beating negotiating wizard seems to be a stretch of expectations to say the least. In fact, besides "transparency", if there is one thing that Obama and his administration has proven time and again to have no skill or talent for whatsoever it is negotiation.
Bernard Bernard
For many people, from elected officials to normal citizen alike, the prospect of handing more negotiation power to Obama just does not seem like a good idea. Expecting that the guy who negotiated the release of five Taliban leaders for one deserter, cannot negotiate a deal with Iran that includes intrusive inspections of military installations, has not been able to negotiate an end to violence in Syria or Ukraine, could not negotiate a deal on immigration reform, could not negotiate a status of forces agreement with Iraq, and has been unable to negotiate an end to tensions in the South China Sea will all of a sudden turn into a masterful world-beating negotiating wizard seems to be a stretch of expectations to say the least. In fact, besides "transparency", if there is one thing that Obama and his administration has proven time and again to have no skill or talent for whatsoever it is negotiation.
Bernard Bernard
Friday, June 5, 2015
WikiLeaks releases shocking ObamaTrade secrets
WikiLeaks has revealed stunning new details of trade pact that was meant to be kept secret for at least another five years...Long after Obama making million$
As someone who, as many of you know, has had my job twice shipped overseas and comes from a state whose three biggest industries were stolen from them after NAFTA--do EVERYTHING in your power to convince your elected Reps in the House of Representatives to oppose Fast Track TPA and after to convince your senators and reps that a vote for ObamaTrade is a vote that should 100% disqualify them for re-election. I am proud both Alabama senators voted against Fast Track and neither one would ever vote to give extra-constitutional authority to outside foreign powers. The corrupt politicians and corporate lobbyists who are trying to straight fuck the American Worker and the middle class are the scum of the earth, All Of Them. Please help me in stopping this miscarriage of Democracy, Freedom and Transparency by telling them NOW and voting them out later. Please LIKE this post and talk to everyone about #TPP #TTIP #TiSA and #TPA. These fukers get rich by being in government. Obama will make the $$$$the Clinton's make look like small potatoes. We gotta defend ourself because aside from Senators Session, Shelby, Lee, Rand Paul no one else AT ALL is fighting for us. I don't know about YOU but dozens of 3rd world pieces of shit are doing the jobs I used to do. It will be ALL our jobs soon enuf. Ignore me now, cry on my shoulder later.
Bernard Bernard
As someone who, as many of you know, has had my job twice shipped overseas and comes from a state whose three biggest industries were stolen from them after NAFTA--do EVERYTHING in your power to convince your elected Reps in the House of Representatives to oppose Fast Track TPA and after to convince your senators and reps that a vote for ObamaTrade is a vote that should 100% disqualify them for re-election. I am proud both Alabama senators voted against Fast Track and neither one would ever vote to give extra-constitutional authority to outside foreign powers. The corrupt politicians and corporate lobbyists who are trying to straight fuck the American Worker and the middle class are the scum of the earth, All Of Them. Please help me in stopping this miscarriage of Democracy, Freedom and Transparency by telling them NOW and voting them out later. Please LIKE this post and talk to everyone about #TPP #TTIP #TiSA and #TPA. These fukers get rich by being in government. Obama will make the $$$$the Clinton's make look like small potatoes. We gotta defend ourself because aside from Senators Session, Shelby, Lee, Rand Paul no one else AT ALL is fighting for us. I don't know about YOU but dozens of 3rd world pieces of shit are doing the jobs I used to do. It will be ALL our jobs soon enuf. Ignore me now, cry on my shoulder later.
Bernard Bernard
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
How Promotable Are You?
Personal growth within an existing company really comes from doing two things all the time.The first is over-delivering on results within the values criteria that your boss sets for the team. If you can consistently deliver on performance and you have the behaviors to go with it, your boss will kno…
Literally the best advice I have ever been given by one of the best people to REALLY RUN the world:
Bernard Bernard
Literally the best advice I have ever been given by one of the best people to REALLY RUN the world:
Bernard Bernard
Newburgh's Decline Documented by Russian News Channel
An English-speaking news channel out of Moscow traveled to Newburgh for a segment called 'Shattered Dreams: Newburgh, a City in Decline.' Watch the video here.
Bernard Bernard
Bernard Bernard
Newburgh's Decline Documented by Russian News Channel
An English-speaking news channel out of Moscow traveled to Newburgh for a segment called 'Shattered Dreams: Newburgh, a City in Decline.' Watch the video here.
Bernard Bernard
Bernard Bernard
Friday, February 20, 2015
DWS's Hand Gets Caught In The Cookie Jar, Ass-Covering Backtracking Ensues!
"I'm not entirely sure how I am going to turn this into a political advantage yet so let me just go with 'I didn't say or do that' until futher notice, okay?"
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She steals from her donors, yet they keep giving her money. Who is the idiot in that vicious circle?
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She steals from her donors, yet they keep giving her money. Who is the idiot in that vicious circle?
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The Sharks and the Long Knives are out for Debbie Wasserman Schultz...
Can the plucky DNC Chairperson conjure a 10th life?
House Ethics Committee shrugs shoulders, "How else are you going to extort campaign contributions out of your constituents?"
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Democrats to Citizens: Only College Graduates Qualified For Public Service
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He was so good at drawing things on chalkboards they made him President of the United States of America.
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You ever notice the very same people who claim that mistakes they made in their youth "don't count" are the same ones who rely on their College Degree as proof they accomplished anything?
Don't those people's whose sole accomplishment was graduating college
40 years ago just annoy the shit out of you? Like who gives a fuck you
can wake up early and turn in homework on time for four years straight?
Anyone who graduated high school more or less did that for 12 years
straight already, it's not like it was some major miracle or leap forward in capability.
Until proven otherwise, I will continue to believe that President Obama coasted through college on the Gentleman C plan, which is what The Left called it when it came to surface in 1999 that then Candidate George W. Bush had not been the most studious of college attenders. When Obama does it however it is proof he is educated and qualified to be President of the United States of America. HYPOCRISY!
President Obama clearly has something to hide by not being open and forthright about his College Grades.
Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Even though Obama was never forced to explain his mysterious, murky college background...EVERYONE ELSE MUST BE PUT THROUGH THE RINGER!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Living Lavish On The Donor Dime
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Living Lavish On The Donor Dime
"I am a staunch advocate of INCOME INEQUALITY and the ONE-PERCENT! I don't give a flying fuck about anyone but myself!"
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"I have to admit, like so many women, I always knew there was a chance. But like so many women, I never thought it would be me. I never thought I'd hear those devastating words: I AM THE ONE-PERCENT"
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"Ma'am, the donors are on the phone, and they don't sound happy"
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is with great disappointment that I call on Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign. The behavior she has exhibited is indefensible and
Representative Wasserman Schultz's continued service in Congress is untenable.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Infrastructure Spending Returns, Everyone Wins!
Infrastructure Spending is just a term Obama uses when he wants to take more government money and spend it on his pet projects or give out to cronies and sycophants.
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Thursday, February 5, 2015
Living the High Life on the Taxpayer Dime
"See, the most important thing is you make sure other people pay for your vacations and extravagances. That is how you really know you've made it in America."
"I HATE America, but I love all the fancy free shit the American Taxpayer gives to me."
They Might Be Royalty
The Obama Family lives better than your family. The TV Show and Book Deal will make them multi-Millionaires. Michelle Obama tells your kids what to eat while her kids eat gourmet food each day. They thank you for your sacrifice.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009
Card Check And How It Could Ruin Your Life
Card Check And How It Could Ruin Your Life

The bodies are buried shallow.
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If you resist, they aim to hurt you.
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The people who killed the auto industry. Take a good look.
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Coming to a workplace near you.
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Who says that a "Secret Ballot" is a hallmark of Democracy?
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Oppose the Union, get a nice pine box.
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Oppose the Union, wake up and find a nice surprise on your car.
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Obsolete your job, organize a union.
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Employee Free Choice Act, Otherwise Known as "Card Check", Shaping Up to Be Big Fight
The EFCA Bill, otherwise known as "Card Check", has impassioned supporters and detractors, and pressure is coming down on Congress from both sides of the spectrum. Who will be the winners and losers if it gets passed?
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The bodies are buried shallow.
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If you resist, they aim to hurt you.
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The people who killed the auto industry. Take a good look.
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Coming to a workplace near you.
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Who says that a "Secret Ballot" is a hallmark of Democracy?
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Oppose the Union, get a nice pine box.
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Oppose the Union, wake up and find a nice surprise on your car.
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Obsolete your job, organize a union.
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Employee Free Choice Act, Otherwise Known as "Card Check", Shaping Up to Be Big Fight
The EFCA Bill, otherwise known as "Card Check", has impassioned supporters and detractors, and pressure is coming down on Congress from both sides of the spectrum. Who will be the winners and losers if it gets passed?
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Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hyperinflation Threatens To Make America Into Weimar 2!
Hyperinflation Threatens To Make America Into Weimar Republic 2!

Wow! Who would have guessed that President Obama, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chris Dodd, former Presidential Candidate John McCain, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (former Senator from NY) would be the biggest recipients of AIG campaign contributions (bribes by another name)? Remember Enron?
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Oh my god! This one speaks for itself. And this is just what we can track. All the secret new conduits the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department are using are completely hidden.
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"To be honest, I don't know what the chances are for the Federal Reserve's actions to achieve the desired results. But I believe that we are more concerned with deflation rather than inflation at this time."
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Just since Helicopter Ben Bernanke's latest helicopter drop of $1 Trillion into the economy, look at the slips in the US dollar. No concern for inflation there, huh Helicopter Ben?
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"See, the plan, in a nutshell, is to grab the economy and choke it back to life. The way we'll know we've succeeded is when it stops moving entirely."
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If China and Japan begin to draw down the American Debt they own, economic chaos will quickly ensue.
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Joseph Cassano, the former leader of the AIG Financial Products Division, is the guy who singlehandedly fucked the world. Not surprisingly, Michael Milken--of the 1980's S&L scandals--was his mentor. His division made a reported $5.0 Billion dollars in revenue while paying out $5.5 Billion in salaries. I'm not an economist, but I am a thinker, and that looks like Half-A-Billion in losses before the meltdown even began. Don't worry though, Cassano got a sweet $1 Million-a-month-for-life severance package from AIG, and made over $280 Million during his tenure at the company. Thanks Big Guy!
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America, losing it's position as the world's leading Reserve Currency while the Euro steadily gains. The G20 meeting in April could be the tipping point.
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"Bye bye America."
Is America on the Path to Becoming the Second Weimar Germany?
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernancke's latest "Helicopter Drop" of $1 Trillion new U.S. dollars into the economy presents the latest risk to a hyperinflationary environment.
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Wow! Who would have guessed that President Obama, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chris Dodd, former Presidential Candidate John McCain, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (former Senator from NY) would be the biggest recipients of AIG campaign contributions (bribes by another name)? Remember Enron?
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Oh my god! This one speaks for itself. And this is just what we can track. All the secret new conduits the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department are using are completely hidden.
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"To be honest, I don't know what the chances are for the Federal Reserve's actions to achieve the desired results. But I believe that we are more concerned with deflation rather than inflation at this time."
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Just since Helicopter Ben Bernanke's latest helicopter drop of $1 Trillion into the economy, look at the slips in the US dollar. No concern for inflation there, huh Helicopter Ben?
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"See, the plan, in a nutshell, is to grab the economy and choke it back to life. The way we'll know we've succeeded is when it stops moving entirely."
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If China and Japan begin to draw down the American Debt they own, economic chaos will quickly ensue.
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Joseph Cassano, the former leader of the AIG Financial Products Division, is the guy who singlehandedly fucked the world. Not surprisingly, Michael Milken--of the 1980's S&L scandals--was his mentor. His division made a reported $5.0 Billion dollars in revenue while paying out $5.5 Billion in salaries. I'm not an economist, but I am a thinker, and that looks like Half-A-Billion in losses before the meltdown even began. Don't worry though, Cassano got a sweet $1 Million-a-month-for-life severance package from AIG, and made over $280 Million during his tenure at the company. Thanks Big Guy!
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America, losing it's position as the world's leading Reserve Currency while the Euro steadily gains. The G20 meeting in April could be the tipping point.
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"Bye bye America."
Is America on the Path to Becoming the Second Weimar Germany?
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernancke's latest "Helicopter Drop" of $1 Trillion new U.S. dollars into the economy presents the latest risk to a hyperinflationary environment.
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Friday, March 20, 2009
Where Would We Be Without Chinese Soverign Treasury Investment?
Where Would We Be Without Chinese Soverign Treasury Investment?

China's Wall Street
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"It's so nice to be seeing you again..."
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"Now, Gentlemen, I just want to tell you--Imminent Domain is not currently on the table for negotiation..."
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The Danger of Chinese Wavering
China is the single biggest holder of US Treasury Bonds. What would be the ramifications if they were to reverse course and start dumping?
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China's Wall Street
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"It's so nice to be seeing you again..."
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"Now, Gentlemen, I just want to tell you--Imminent Domain is not currently on the table for negotiation..."
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The Danger of Chinese Wavering
China is the single biggest holder of US Treasury Bonds. What would be the ramifications if they were to reverse course and start dumping?
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
Coal Ash Spills Not The Only Problem At The Tennessee Valley Authority
Coal Ash Spills Not The Only Problem At The Tennessee Valley Authority

Good Job TVA.
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"Well, looks good guys. Lets knock off and get some beer. Put it on your TVA credit cards."
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The good sign is that these people aren't wearing biological suits. Or maybe they should be.
Millions of Dollars Embezzeled from the Tennessee Valley Authority
The TVA, The United States largest public utility, has found that rampant credit card abuse has permeated the organization.
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Good Job TVA.
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"Well, looks good guys. Lets knock off and get some beer. Put it on your TVA credit cards."
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The good sign is that these people aren't wearing biological suits. Or maybe they should be.
Millions of Dollars Embezzeled from the Tennessee Valley Authority
The TVA, The United States largest public utility, has found that rampant credit card abuse has permeated the organization.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hypocrite Congressman Goes After Corrupt NASA Official
Hypocrite Congressman Goes After Corrupt NASA Official

"I mean, how many shuttles need to blow up on his watch before we dump this guy?"
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"Sure I travel around on the taxpayers dime. Isn't that one of the perks of my job?"
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Cobb is under investigation by an administration integrity committee after being accused of repeatedly quashing cases and retaliating against those who resisted.
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It's Moose Hunting Season in Washington D.C. again.
Congressman Bart Gordon Calls Out NASA Investigator General, but What About His Excesses?
Congressman Bart Gordon of Tennessee calls out Robert "Moose" Cobb, Investigator General of NASA, but what about the congressman's own recent junket on taxpayer dollars?
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"I mean, how many shuttles need to blow up on his watch before we dump this guy?"
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"Sure I travel around on the taxpayers dime. Isn't that one of the perks of my job?"
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Cobb is under investigation by an administration integrity committee after being accused of repeatedly quashing cases and retaliating against those who resisted.
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It's Moose Hunting Season in Washington D.C. again.
Congressman Bart Gordon Calls Out NASA Investigator General, but What About His Excesses?
Congressman Bart Gordon of Tennessee calls out Robert "Moose" Cobb, Investigator General of NASA, but what about the congressman's own recent junket on taxpayer dollars?
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